2015年10月20日 星期二

About Films (I): Negative Films

       Today I’m going to introduce an important part of film photography, films. Without films, there will be no pictures. (Well…it’s not informational at all.) There are many kinds of films, and in this and next post I will tell you the two main categories, negative films and positive films respectively. And in next post I will tell the difference between the two.

Negative Films
Negative films is the most commonly used kind of film, as we’ve seen in daily lives. Not only it is cheaper than others but many other reasons make it so widespread. First of all, its tolerance is higher than other kinds of films ( e.g. positive films), so it could be post-producted (後製) in the darkroom if you didn’t let the right amount of light onto the film. Secondly, it’s easy to process and the cost of the processing is inexpensive. Thirdly, it can be converted onto the graph at a lower price, makes it more easily for spreading. As a result, negative films are widely used due to its convenience and price.

At the end of the post, I want to show you a picture taken in 21st Kanazawa Art Museum, Japan. It was a girl by the famous work, the swimming pool, and she was pulled by her parent while she was about to get into the pool. It was an amazing contrast!

1 則留言:

  1. Expect the next post. I really want to know the difference between negative films and positive films!!
