2015年11月25日 星期三

Street Photography(III):Henri Cartier-Bresson

       Hi guys! Today I will follow the last article, continuing introducing Henri Cartier Bresson about his photographic styles after WWII.

       Bresson started traveling the whole Europe and taking pictures after deciding to learn photography. However, during WWII, he had been priosined in Germany for three years when he was doing mandatory military service. It was the turning point that he changed his photographic styles.
       He tried to emphasize humanistic care in the photos and the independence of photographers. Thus, in 1947, he founded Magnum Photo Agency with some other photographers for these purposes, trying to seize the trend of the world and focus on humanity. After that, Bresson traveled around the globe and recorded many historic events, such as the time before Mahatma Gandhi’s (聖雄甘地) assassinate and his funeral in India, and the period that the government was changed to Communist Party of China from KMT. He recorded poor conditions and burdens on the people under the changeable situations by camera.

       Next week I will introduce his late years and conclude Henri Cartier Bresson’s achievements. It’s a bit long in three articles, but I hope you can enjoy it and know more about this great photographer.

      And if you are interested in Henri Cartier Bresson’s photos and Magnum Photo Agency, you can read this website:


3 則留言:

  1. wow these photo are touching and really reflect the suffering life people lead

  2. These photos are really great! ><

  3. Through the photos, I can feel the way through which Mr. Cartier-Bresson observed the society. And that's inspiring.
