2015年11月12日 星期四

Street Photography(I):What's street photography?

Hi guys! For the next few weeks, I will introduce street photography, a type of photography that I’m interested in, and several famous street photographers who use films.

 (a piece of classic photo taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson, a master in street photography


     It’s hard to define “street photography” precisely, for everybody thinks differently about it and there are too many categories and styles. Some may think it’s just taking photos on the streets, but taking for what? Recording unique events happened on the streets? Passengers’ movements and the emotions through them? Or some objects forms an interesting picture after composing them?

(the shape of air hatch is similar to the internet word "= =", expressing the feelings)

 As for me, they are all parts of street photography, so it’s easier to talk about some of my thoughts about street photography rather than making a definition of it.
 I think street photography gives me a different way to observe the world, such as the interactions between people or humans and the environment. It’s pleasant to find the unusual moments in daily lives and record them!

(the way the lady using the laptop is interesting!)

      (These photos were taken in the U.K.)

2 則留言:

  1. I like street photography too, it can capture the most natural sight in everyday life, and it can get lots of interesting photos. lol

  2. I think we can look at the ordinary world from a different viewpoint through the street photography~
